Academic Program

The Arbitration Spring Program - Arbitration Rules in Practice, taking place within the framework of the Sommerhochschule, is an intensive, five-day program on international commercial arbitration from an institutional perspective.

Jointly organized by the Vienna International Arbitral Centre, the Young Austrian Arbitration Practitioners, the Austrian Arbitration Association and the Sommerhochschule of the University of Vienna, which has been hosting an annual international summer school in Strobl/Wolfgangsee since 1949 and the Austrian Arbitration Academy since 2014, this program has been specifically devised for participants with first experience in the area of international arbitration.

The course will take place in Vienna and will consist of a taught module and participation in the Vienna Arbitration Days.


It addresses the following groups of participants:

  • young practitioners (in particular junior associates/RechtsanwaltsanwärterInnen) working in the field of dispute resolution
  • graduate students specializing in arbitration


Professor Paul Oberhammer (Vienna/London/St. Gallen) acts as course director of the Arbitration Academy, while Mag. Niamh Leinwather is co-director of the Austrian Arbitration Academy - Arbitration Rules in Practice on behalf of VIAC. The classes will be taught by first class international arbitration practitioners from both the bar and academia.

Invitation to the Keynote Lecture of the Austrian Arbitration Academy - Arbitration Rules in Practice 2024

"Arbitration – The Art of Origami" held by Dr. Helmut Ortner of PARAGON Advocacy

Dr. Helmut Dr. Helmut Ortner of PARAGON Advocacy will hold the keynote lecture with the topic „Arbitration – The Art of Origami“ as part of the opening ceremony of this year's Austrian Arbitration Academy Spring Program.

The keynote lecture will take place on Tuesday, 4th June 2024, 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm at REWI-Hörsaal at Schenkenstraße 8-10, 4th Floor in 1010 Vienna, Austria.