Nikolaus Forgó
Nikolaus Forgó (© Barbara Mair)
Nikolaus Forgó
Professor of Law, Head of Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, University of Vienna; head of the LLM-program on information and media law at the University of Vienna; expert member of the Austrian Data Protection Board and the Austrian AI Advisory Board.
Selected Publications: together with Prainsack B.: Why paying individual people for their health data is a bad idea comment. in: Nature Medicine (2022 October); co-author of: White Paper: Data Solidarity. The Lancet & Financial Times Commission (2022); together with Hutter K. and Serentschy G.: Überlegungen zu einer Digital Policy und Regulierung aus einem Guss: Welche Governance braucht Österreich auf dem Weg zur Innovationsführerschaft? (2023); co-author of: Big Data, AI, and Health Data: between National, European, and International Legal Frameworks. in: Zwitter A., Gstrein O., Hrsg.: Handbook on the Politics and Governance of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (2023); together with Prainsack B.: New AI regulation in the EU seeks to reduce risk without assessing public benefit. In: Nature Medicine (2024 May); co-author of: A national evaluation analysis and expert interview study of real-world data sources for research and healthcare decision-making. in: Nature (2024 April).