Stefan Gasch
Stefan Gasch (© Gregor Hofbauer)
Stefan Gasch
Studies of Musicology, Medieval Studies and Auxiliary Sciences of History at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich; Doctorate in musicology (University of Vienna, 2008); (visiting) lecturer and project leader at the University of Vienna and the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna; main fields of interest: (liturgical) music and culture of the early modern era in Central Europe; music for the veneration of the Virgin Mary; source studies; music and war/music and peace; music and modernism; the German Lied around 1900.
Selected publications: together with M. Grassl and A. V. Rabe: Henricus Isaac (c. 1450/55–1519: Composition – Reception – Interpretation (2019); together with S. Tröster: Ludwig Senfl – A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works and Sources, 2 vols. (2019/2020); Ästhetik der Innerlichkeit. Max Reger und das Lied um 1900 (2018); Innere Wahrheit und Stimmung in Schönbergs op. 6, in: Journal of the Arnold Schönberg Center (2019); together with R. Wolf: G.F. Händel als „comes pacis“ – Die Te Deum-Vertonung von 1713 und die Frage nach dem Frieden in der Musik, Händel-Jahrbuch 60 (2014); Mehrstimmige Proprien der Münchner Hofkapelle in der ersten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Liturgischer Kontext und Entwicklungsschichten eines Repertoires (2013).