Oliver Rathkolb
Oliver Rathkolb (© Parlamentsdirektion Ulrike Wieser)
Oliver Rathkolb
Professor at the University of Vienna Department of Contemporary History (2006-2024); chairperson of the Vienna Institute for Cultural and Contemporary History and Arts (VICCA) and the international scientific advisory board of the House of European History (European Parliament, Brussels); member of the advisory board of the Jewish Museum Vienna and the Archive of the Salzburg Festival.
Author of several books focusing on contemporary history; editor and co-editor of several studies concerning interdisciplinary questions of contemporary history and communications/media history; managing editor of the journal “zeitgeschichte” and the publication series “Zeitgeschichte im Kontext”; his prize-winning study “The Paradoxical Republic: Austria 1945–2020” was published in 2021 by Berghahn Books (New York/Oxford).