Marija Šćekić
Marija Šćekić
Marija Šćekić
Director in Squire Patton Boggs’s International Dispute Resolution Practice based in London and an assistant editor of the Journal of International Arbitration (JOIA); specializes in international arbitration and has represented clients in both commercial and investment treaty disputes, across a range of industries and jurisdictions, and under various arbitral rules and in ad hoc proceedings; recognized as a Global Elite Thought Leader – Arbitration Under 45 in 2024, Future Leader in Who's Who Legal: Arbitration in 2019-2023, as well as in Euromoney’s LMG Rising Stars Expert Guide in 2020 - 2022 in the categories of commercial arbitration and the UK; often speaks at international conferences and has recently given lectures at Warwick University and Kings College London.
Selected Publications: together with G. Born, ed. D. Caron et al: Pre-arbitration Procedural Requirements: A Dismal Swamp, Practising Virtue – Inside International Arbitration (2015); co-author: Contractual Arbitrage in Today’s Gas and LNG Markets (2022); co-author: Update on European Measures for Natural Gas Security (2023).