Aakriti Chandihok (Alumna 2006)
I attended the SHS in Strobl after my first year at law school in 2006 and deeply cherish the unforgettable experience Strobl gave me. Apart from the academic knowledge gained during the summer program, the most important asset of SHS is the experience of living and studying in an international and intercultural environment in the surroundings of the beautiful Lake Wolfgang. Getting to know participants from various different cultural backgrounds personally did not only broaden my horizons, but also gave me the chance to build international friendships. I learnt so much from the amazing faculty and my wonderful co-participants and found some very dear friends, many of whom I still very regularly in touch with.
I strongly believe that intercultural understanding is a foundation to peace among people and feel privileged to have been part of this enriching and unforgettable experience called "Strobl"!
Ad multos annos, Strobl! Congratulations and all the best!
Aakriti Chandihok
Strobl Alumna 2006
On my way to an unforgettable experience called "Strobl" (© Aakriti Chandihok)
View from my balcony at the SHS campus (© Aakriti Chandihok)