Jonida Molla (Alumna 2006)
Financial Specialist for Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), New York
Being part of the SHS in Strobl has been an unforgettable event for me. I have listed it in my resume and I always mention it as a great academic and life experience as well. It was the first time for me to be away from my family for so many days, but I felt at home for the four weeks of the program. Currently I am a Financial Specialist for Mediterranean Shipping Company in New York and I work with colleagues from all over the world. I feel so good because I am used to enjoy multi cultural experiences, and attending the SHS is and will be one of the best ever.
Thanks a lot again and wishing you all the best. I encourage everyone to make the most of this wonderful experience. It's amazing and it will be available always.
Jonida Molla
Strobl Alumna 2006
Game during German class (© Jonida Molla)
Jonida receiving the transcript from Director Peter Gerlich at her graduation, Strobl 2006 (© Jonida Molla)
Dinner at the dining hall on campus (© Jonida Molla)