Varvara Aleksić (Alumna 2014)
The idea to share photos and thoughts from Strobl waken up good memories, but it was hard to choose a photo which will describe all feelings. However, the photo below is – from the day I came home, till today – my desktop photo and my biggest motivation.
First of all, this fairy tale scenery in the front of the Burgelhaus was the first thing to see when we all gathered in the beginning of the program 2014. We did not know much, had many expectations, and decided to give the small village on the Lake Wolfgang a chance.
Every day was unique, carried something new, while the mountains still reminded us that we are not dreaming, that it is real. The terrace was not only the place to study the German language and debate the EU institutions and their role, but it was also a place to relax, party and dance waltz.
At the end, it was there, where we said our last goodbye to the month which truly changed us. We became colleagues, friends, even a big family, but what is most important: we became Stroblers for life!
When it comes to the contribution the program made towards my professional career, the Sommerhochschule was a solid base for further research in the field of EU law. A year after, I obtained a Master Degree in European Integration, during which I used sources and materials from classes of EU institutions and EU law. At the moment, I am working in the Serbian European Integration Office and share my experience about EU law, on a daily basis, with the colleagues I met in Strobl.
Varvara Aleksić, Strobl Alumna 2014
June 2016
(© Varvara Aleksić)