Petar Brudar (Alumnus 2014)
PhD student at the University of Bonn, Germany
I think often about the Sommerhochschule, events, adventures and other memories from it come to my mind almost every day. Participating in it helped not only in developing my academical career but also in forming my personality. It was the unique experience.
This picture was captured during the midsummer night's ball 2014.
From left to right: Petar Brudar, Krystallenia Paniskaki, Nicolás Cabrera, Aleksandra Gjorgieska, Looes Herdersche, and Varvara Aleksić.
I would also like to stress out the mountains that can be seen in the background. I have still the picture of them in front of my eyes, because I remember with how great desire I watched them during the German classes – dismal while I could not go outside. However, from this distance I see how important those German classes were. They actually were the best German classes I have ever participated in and they improved my German extremely. Those mountains thus, stand as a symbol of motivation in my mind. (© Peter Brudar)
A photo of my meal ticket which I still keep to remeber me on a wonderful time in Strobl (© Peter Brudar)