Verica Trstenjak
Verica Trstenjak (© Curia)
Verica Trstenjak
Professor of European Law at the University of Ljubljana and at the LLM program at the University of Vienna; external scientific member of the Max Planck Institute Luxemburg; member of the management board and the executive board of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights; judge at the General Court of the European Union (2004-2006); Advocate General of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg (2006-2012); lectured at different international and European conferences (e.g. general reporter at the International Conference of Comparative Law 2014 and keynote speaker at the International Conference of Consumer Law 2015); member of the editorial board of several important legal journals (European Law Review, European Journal of Consumer Law, Italian Law Journal and others); member of the International Academy of Comparative Law and of Academia Europaea as well as founding member (and from 2013 also council member) of the European Law Institute (ELI); member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague; published several books and more than 280 articles (also with SSCI).
Selected Publications: together with P. Weingerl: The Influence of Human Rights and Basic Rights in Private Law (2016); Procedural Aspects of European Consumer Protection Law and the Case Law of the CJEU, in: European Review of Private Law. No. 2 (2013).