Jonas Pfohl
Jonas Pfohl
Jonas Pfohl
Postdoctoral Researcher in Musicology at the New Senfl Edition (FWF P 35141); based at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Lecturer at the University of Vienna; previously Researcher at the Alban Berg Complete Edition; main fields of research are sacred music of the sixteenth century (especially at the Habsburg courts), the music of Alban Berg, music philology.
Selected publications: Auf der Suche nach »möglichen« aus einer Zwölftonreihe gebildeten »Kanons«, in: Journal of the Arnold Schönberg Center 17 (2020), The Court Chapels of the Austrian Line (I): From Emperor Ferdinand I to Emperor Matthias, in: A. Weaver (ed.): A Companion to Music at the Habsburg Courts in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (2020), Motetten am Hof Maximilians II. (1527–1576). Komponieren im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung (2022), co-editor of: Lulu, in: Alban Berg Sämtliche Werke, vol. I/2 (2024).