Stefan Wedrac
Stefan Wedrac (© Esther Ayasch)
Stefan Wedrac
Historian working at the Museum of Military History in Vienna; research fellow at the Institute of Legal and Constitutional History at the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna and lecturer at the WFU Flow House in Vienna; previously, he has been a researcher at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and is a former lecturer at IES Vienna; his research and publication topics include Austrian-Italian History (especially Trieste), History of World War I, Contemporary History (National Socialism), Brewing History, Health Insurance History, and Legal/Judicial History.
Selected publications: together with Marion Dotter: Der hohe Preis des Friedens. Die Geschichte der Teilung Tirols 1918–1922 (2018); Die Brauerei Zipf im Nationalsozialismus. Ein österreichisches Brauunternehmen zwischen NS-Kriegswirtschaft, V2-Rüstungsbetrieb und KZ-Außenlager (2021); together with Ina Markova: Hamburg des Ostens? Der Ausbau des Wiener Hafens in der NS-Zeit (2023).