Vortragsreihe 2019
Univ.Prof. Dr. Thomas T. Jaeger: Rethinking Europe
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kritzinger: European Citizens and the Future
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas T. Jaeger
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kritzinger
Hon.-Prof. Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bernhard Schima
Prof. Dr. Liviu Matei: Science as a Unifying Factor for Europe
Ministerialrat Mag. Gottfried Bacher: "Erasmus Mobility in Europe - Past Experience and Perspectives for the Future"
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz-Stefan Meissel/Univ.-Prof. Dr. Chris Thomale: "The Schermers Project: A Common Basic Legal Education for Law Schools in Europe"
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oliver Rathkolb
Dr. Michael Stampfer: "Research Projects and Europeanization of Science"
Impulsreferate und Podiumsdiskussion: Herausforderungen und Chancen für Corporates im Bereich Innovation und Transformation
Dr. Roland Deiser: Organizing for the Digital Age
Mag. Michaela Burger
Dr. Roland Deiser
Dr. Kristin Hanusch-Linser
Mag. Waltraud Kaserer
Michael Winter, MBA
Impulsreferate und Workshops: European Digital Markets in Transition
Dr. Peter Köppl: Digital Democracy and Disruptive Markets
Dr. Klaus Steinmaurer: Telecom Regulation
Mag. Marielouise Gregory: "5G"
Dkfm. Helmut Hanusch: "Media"
Dr. Alexandra Kunesch: "Al/Robotics"
Mag. Sophie Martinetz: "Law"
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó: Moderation
Kunsthistorisches Gespräch: Caravaggio - Avantgarde in einem Europa der Umbrüche
Mag. Daniel Uchtmann