The winter school courses are taught by distinguished scholars with international teaching experience. The faculty consists of tenured professors from the University of Vienna as well as professors from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and Webster University Vienna.
Wynfrid Kriegleder
Wynfrid Kriegleder (© Viktor Brázdil)
Wynfrid Kriegleder
Retired Professor of German Literature at the Department of German Studies of the University of Vienna; former Visiting Professor at Berea College and the University of Kansas; Research Grants at Duke University and Yale University.
Homepage: http://germanistik.univie.ac.at/personen/kriegleder-wynfrid
Selected Publications: Vorwärts in die Vergangenheit. Das Bild der USA im deutschsprachigen Roman von 1776 bis 1855. (1999); Eine kurze Geschichte der Literatur in Österreich. Menschen – Bücher – Institutionen. (2011). Many articles on German and Austrian literature.
Richard Lein
Richard Lein (© Weinwurm Fotografie)
Richard Lein
Historian, assistant at the Institute of Legal and Constitutional History at the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna and lecturer at the Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) in Vienna. He furthermore taught at the Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze (Prague University of Economics and Business), the Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University) in Budapest as well as at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. His main research and publication topics are the History of the Habsburg Empire in the 19th and 20th century, Legal History, Military History, History of the Czech Lands and Economic History of Central Europe.
Selected publications: Pflichterfüllung oder Hochverrat? Die tschechischen Soldaten Österreich-Ungarns im Ersten Weltkrieg (2011); A Train Ride to Disaster: The Austro-Hungarian Eastern Front in 1914 (Contemporary Austrian Studies, 2014); Plnění povinností, nebo velezrada? Čeští vojáci Rakousko-Uherska v první světové válce (2018); Österreich-Ungarns Kriegsfinanzierung 1914–1918. Budgetpolitik zwischen Steuern, Krediten und Kaufkraftabschöpfung (Jahrbuch für Mitteleuropäische Studien, 2018); Die Protokolle des cisleithanischen Ministerrats 1867-1918, Band II: 1868-1871 (2022); together with Miriam Gassner: Neue Forschungen zur Entstehung des B-VG (Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht, 2024).
Eveline List
Eveline List
Eveline List
Historian, economist and psychologist; Retired Professor of Cultural History at the History Department of the University of Vienna; Psychoanalyst in private practice; Training analyst of the International Psychoanalytical Association.
Selected Publications: Psychoanalytische Kulturwissenschaften (2013); Psychoanalyse. Geschichte, Theorien, Anwendungen (2009); Mutterliebe und Geburtenkontrolle – Zwischen Psychoanalyse und Sozialismus (2006); and about 100 Articles on cultural studies, history, clinical and theoretical psychoanalysis.
Jonas Pfohl
Jonas Pfohl
Jonas Pfohl
Postdoctoral Researcher in Musicology at the New Senfl Edition (FWF P 35141); based at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Lecturer at the University of Vienna; previously Researcher at the Alban Berg Complete Edition; main fields of research are sacred music of the sixteenth century (especially at the Habsburg courts), the music of Alban Berg, music philology.
Selected publications: Auf der Suche nach »möglichen« aus einer Zwölftonreihe gebildeten »Kanons«, in: Journal of the Arnold Schönberg Center 17 (2020), The Court Chapels of the Austrian Line (I): From Emperor Ferdinand I to Emperor Matthias, in: A. Weaver (ed.): A Companion to Music at the Habsburg Courts in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (2020), Motetten am Hof Maximilians II. (1527–1576). Komponieren im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung (2022), co-editor of: Lulu, in: Alban Berg Sämtliche Werke, vol. I/2 (2024).
Monika Schwärzler-Brodesser
Monika Schwärzler-Brodesser (© Fangni Wang)
Monika Schwärzler-Brodesser
Retired Professor and former Head of the Art Department at Webster Vienna Private University; doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Vienna; graduate training at the Museum of Modern Art in Vienna; taught at Webster University in St. Louis (USA), the study abroad program of the University of Oregon and Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences; lectured in postgraduate museology programs at the University of Basle (Switzerland) and the Federal Academy in Wolfenbüttel (Germany); lecturer at the univie: winter school and the univie: summer school of the Sommerhochschule (University of Vienna), as well as at the Danube University Krems; founder and chair of the T.K. Lang Gallery at Webster University; work as free-lance writer; current fields of research: art and media theory, visual culture, creative writing.
Selected Publications: Digital Worlds and the Sound of Violence, in: N. Billias, L. Praeg eds.: Creating Destruction. Constructing Images of Violence and Genocid (2011); The Beast – On the Photographic Staging of the Large Hadron Collider at the Nuclear Research Center in Geneva, in: U. Fischer-Westhauser, U. Schögl eds.: PhotoResearcher 19 (2013); Psychisches Ding-fest machen. Franz West und Markus Schinwald – Herr(n) des Signifikanten. in: texte. psychoanalyse. ästhetik. kulturkritik, Heft 3 (2014); At Face Value and Beyond. Photographic Constructions of Reality (2016); Good Girls Grimacing. Grimacing and the Economy of Excess, in: Grimace. Membrana no. 2 (2017); Fotografie ohne Fotograf*innen, in: Fotogeschichte. Beiträge zur Geschichte und Ästhetik der Fotografie, Heft 157 (2020); Talkative Skin / Skin Talking Back: On Iris Andraschek's Where to Draw the Line. in: Skin. Membrana – Journal of Photography, Theory and Visual Culture Vol.6 no.2 (2021).
Elana Shapira
Elana Shapira
Elana Shapira
Cultural and design historian; lectures at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and at the University of Vienna; specialist in the study of Viennese modernism; research interests include art and media in the 20th century, Central European artistic networks, women’s modernisms and diaspora aesthetics; organized major international symposia and workshops on topics as diverse as nationalism and modernism, art and psychoanalysis, émigré design culture, Jews and cultural identity in Central European modernism, and Viennese women designers; forthcoming are an interdisciplinary International Symposium "A Viennese School in Berlin" (IFK Wien, November 22-24, 2023) and a Central European Symposium "Crossing Borders: Central European Women in the Arts" (MAK Wien January 25-26, 2024).
Selected Publications: Style and Seduction: Jewish Patrons and Modern Architecture, and Design in Fin de Siècle Vienna (2016); co-editor of: Émigré Cultures in Design and Architecture (2017); editor of: Design Dialogue: Jews, Culture and Viennese Modernism (2018); co-editor of: Freud and the Émigré (2020); editor of: Designing Transformation: Jews and Cultural Identity in Central European Modernism (2021); co-editor of: Gestalterinnen: Frauen, Design und Gesellschaft im Wien der Zwischenkriegszeit (2023); Forthcoming anthologies: editor of: Austrian Identity and Modernity: Culture and Politics in the 20th Century (forthcoming 2025); co-editor together with D. Stratigakos of: E. Briggs: An Unconventional Architect (forthcoming 2025).
Stefan Wedrac
Stefan Wedrac (© Esther Ayasch)
Stefan Wedrac
Historian working at the Museum of Military History in Vienna; research fellow at the Institute of Legal and Constitutional History at the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna and lecturer at the WFU Flow House in Vienna; previously, he has been a researcher at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and is a former lecturer at IES Vienna; his research and publication topics include Austrian-Italian History (especially Trieste), History of World War I, Contemporary History (National Socialism), Brewing History, Health Insurance History, and Legal/Judicial History.
Selected publications: together with Marion Dotter: Der hohe Preis des Friedens. Die Geschichte der Teilung Tirols 1918–1922 (2018); Die Brauerei Zipf im Nationalsozialismus. Ein österreichisches Brauunternehmen zwischen NS-Kriegswirtschaft, V2-Rüstungsbetrieb und KZ-Außenlager (2021); together with Ina Markova: Hamburg des Ostens? Der Ausbau des Wiener Hafens in der NS-Zeit (2023).