A limited number of partial scholarships ranging from € 500 to € 1,500 are available for the participation in the univie: winter school.
The remaining amount to cover the program fee amounting to € 1,604.70 (winter school fee plus Austrian students' union fee) must be paid by the applicant.
Scholarships are provided by the International Office of the University of Vienna and the City of Vienna (MA7 – Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien).
The scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need. In order to receive a scholarship, students must demonstrate their financial need by describing their financial situation and submitting related documents.
The application deadline for scholarship applications is October 31, 2024. Applications must have reached the office of the Sommerhochschule by this date.
Scholarship Application Requirements
Particpants in the Volksgarten during the ecxursion along the Ringstraße
Scholarship Application Requirements
Target groups are regular students and young researchers of all disciplines from the University of Vienna and its partner universities who are admitted to a Bachelor/Diploma/Master/Doctorate or PhD program.
Applicants receiving a federal aid for students and students from partner universities of the University of Vienna receive preferential treatment.
Applicants have to be at least 18 years old and must have completed two years of studies at college or university level in their countries of residence or have an educational background equivalent to one year at a European university before the beginning of the program.
Scholarship applicants must be in attendance for the whole period of the winter school, be able to take part in the number of required courses, have an adequate command of the English language and be in good health. Students whose native language is not English must submit evidence of proficiency in English with their application.
Scholarship students must attend and complete two courses.
Compliance with the formal requirements of an application does not imply legal claim to financial support. Scholarships will be awarded according to competitive criteria and to availability of funds.
Applicants are advised to read the information carefully before preparing their scholarship application.
Scholarship Application Procedure
Excursion to the Schönberg Center
Scholarship Application Procedure
The application deadline for scholarship applications is October 31, 2024. Application material must have reached the office of the Sommerhochschule by this date.
Application material must be sent to the following address:
Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH – Sommerhochschule
Campus of the University of Vienna
Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16
1090 Vienna
Scholarship applicants accepted by the Sommerhochschule will be informed via email approximately three weeks after the end of the application period. It is advisable to check the email account on a regular basis after applying.
If you have been awarded a scholarship, you will be asked to accept the scholarship grant in writing by signing the scholarship acceptance form sent to you via email.
Upon notification of their acceptance and information about the amount granted, students are required to pay the remaining balance within two weeks into the bank account of the Sommerhochschule:
Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH – Sommerhochschule
Bank: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Bank address: Rothschildplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria
Account number: 00282240100
Bank code: 11000
IBAN: AT57 1100 0002 8224 0100
The applicant's full name (first name and surname) has to be stated as "reason for transfer" or "reason for payment". All charges in connection with the payment must be borne by the participant. In some cases, charges can be incurred both in your home country and in Austria.
After the Sommerhochschule receives the payment, the applicant will be informed via email and receive a payment confirmation and/or an official invitation letter (which might be needed for visa applications) via regular mail.
Due to the short application deadline, electronic applications will also be accepted. Only complete applications will be considered in the application process. Please send all required application documents to the following address:
Please transfer the deposit of €300 at the same time as submitting your application to ensure a swift application process.
Scholarship Application Material
Scholarship Application Material
Students applying for a scholarship have to submit the same material as regular applicants. Please refer to the application material 1-7.
Scholarship applicants have to pay the deposit of € 300 when submitting their application. The deposit will be deducted from the remaining fee or returned after successful completion of the program.
In addition to the application material listed, scholarship applications have to submit a CV and the completed application form for financial assistance together with documents demonstrating the applicant’s financial need.
The following documents are required:
1. Proof of the applicant’s monthly net income: Pay-slip(s) or income tax return(s) from the applicant, on which the monthly net income is made apparent. Pay-slips may not be older than 3 months. Income tax returns should be from the recent year.
2. Proof of the monthly net income of the applicant’s parents (if the applicant is under 30): Pay-slip(s) or income tax return(s) from the applicant’s parents, on which the monthly net income is made apparent. Pay-slips may not be older than 3 months. Income tax returns should be from the recent year. If the applicant is over 30 no proof of the parent’s income has to be provided.
3. Proof of the monthly net income of the applicant’s partner or spouse (if the applicant is living in the same household): Pay-slip(s) or income tax return(s) from the applicant’s partner, on which the monthly net income is made apparent. Pay-slips may not be older than 3 months. Income tax returns should be from the recent year. If the applicant is not living in the same household with the partner, no proof of the partner’s income has to be provided.
4. Proof of any other existing financial support (e.g. scholarship, state support): Documents stating the kind of support, the amount granted and the period for which it is granted.
Documents can be accompanied by an explanation if necessary. All supporting documents have to be submitted in English or German or with a certified translation into English or German.