
Participants gathering on the steps of teh front entrance of the University of Vienna

Students during an excursion at the front entrance of the University of Vienna

The univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies takes place in Vienna, the capital of the former Habsburg Monarchy (and Austria of today) where traces of the outstanding culture of the late 19th and the beginning of the 20th century are still visible.

This unique program starts with an Introduction to Fin-de-Siècle Vienna on the first weekend. The lessons given in class will be complemented with guided excursions to the city of Vienna (walks around the Ringstraße and Art Nouveau buildings) and to the Schönbrunn Palace.

The following two week program offers high level lectures in the morning which include excursions to the city and to museums in the afternoon.

Outside the framework of classes Vienna offers plenty of opportunities to explore additional museums and sights such as the St. Stephan’s Cathedral, the Imperial Palace, and the Treasury.

Vienna is the best city that I can think of for one to do these courses, as many heritage sites are well-preserved and you will literally have a chance to see and appreciate them with your own eyes apart from seminars at university."

Wei Huang (China)

Important Dates

Studnets gatehring at the Cafe Edison for the farewell dinner

Farewell Dinner of the univie: winter school 2019

The winter school 2025 takes place from January 31 – February 14, 2025.

Day of arrival is Friday, January 31, 2025.
Students are requested to register at the Sommerhochschule office between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm on that day.
In the evening at 6:00 pm an orientation session will introduce the participants to the winter school (courses and cultural program). Afterwards a welcome reception will give students the opportunity to meet informally with faculty and staff.

From Saturday, February 1st to Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 a preparatory seminar "Introduction to Fin-de-Siècle Vienna" will provide students with the basic knowledge needed for their selected courses. Lessons in class will be acompanied by a city walk of the Ringstraße and an excursion to the Schönbrunn Palace.

Courses are held Monday to Friday of both weeks and start on Monday, February 3, 2025. For the times of the courses please see the schedule.
In addition to the morning lectures the courses include excursions to course-related sites and museums on six afternoons.
The weekends provide free time to discover Vienna individually or with colleagues.

On Friday, February 14, 2025 a Farewell Dinner will end the 2025 Session.

It is recommended to depart on or after Saturday, February 15, 2025.


Casual wear will suffice for most activities. Students might, however, want to bring along suitable attire for more formal occasions if they intend to go to a classical concert or to the opera.

During the winter, temperatures in Vienna can vary between -10 and +10 degrees celcius. Please note that Vienna is a windy city and that wind chill can make it feel even colder than the actual temperature.

Warm winter clothes (including hats, scarfs and gloves) and sturdy shoes are recommended for the excursions.