Entrance of the summer school campus
The univie: summer school is located in the picturesque village of Strobl in the Salzkammergut region, one of Austria’s most attractive summer vacation areas. Students and faculty are accommodated in high standard single and double rooms at the program’s beautiful summer campus on the shore of Lake Wolfgang.
The four week program offers high level European Studies courses in the morning and German language courses in the afternoon. The language courses are offered at four different levels of proficiency.
The unique Strobl experience is enhanced by an extensive extracurricular program including sports courses (windsurfing and tennis), mountain hiking, and excursions to Salzburg, St. Wolfgang and the Ebensee Concentration Camp Memorial.
The campus life creates an environment which encourages intercultural and social exchange and favors mutual understanding within the international student population. Participants thus broaden their horizon, meet colleagues from different fields of study, make friends for life and build connections for their future professional careers. The alumni network of former Sommerhochschule participants enables students to stay in touch even long after their stay in Strobl.
Not only was the quality of the teaching outstanding, the location stunning, and the activities awesome… but the folks that you brought together really made the experience something special."
Margaret Harris (New Zealand)
Important Dates
Reception at the Opening Ceremony of the summer school
Important Dates
The univie: summer school 2025 takes place from July 12 to August 9, 2025.
On Saturday, July 12, at 7:00 pm an orientation session given by the Program Coordinator will introduce the participants to the program and the campus. Students are advised to arrive before 6:00 pm that day.
On Sunday, July 13, at 10:30 am the official Opening Ceremony will take place on the campus in the Bürglsaal. Attendance of the Opening Ceremony is mandatory.
Afterwards the faculty will briefly introduce their courses in order to prepare the participants for the classes starting the next morning.
In the evening at 8:30 pm a welcome party will give students the opportunity to meet informally with faculty and staff.
On Saturday, August 9 at 10:00 am, a Closing Ceremony will formally end the 2025 Session.
Attendance of the Closing Ceremony, which will officially end around 12 noon that day, is mandatory. Students should make their travel arrangements accordingly.
Participants dressed up for the Midsummer Night's Ball
Casual wear will suffice for most activities. Students are, however, requested to have suitable attire for formal occasions like the Opening Ceremony, the Closing Ceremony, and the Midsummer Night’s Ball. Dark suits for men and evening or cocktail dresses for women are highly recommended.
Please note that the temperatures can vary between 16 and over 30 degrees Celcius. (Please refer to the infomation listed unter climate for more detailed information.) Rain wear, warm clothes and sturdy outdoor shoes are strongly recommended, particularly for participation on hikes. (Students who do not bring hiking boots cannot participate in the mountain hikes.)
Participants come from all over the world to attend the summer school
Since participants traditionally come from around 30 different nations, students are encouraged to bring with them information about their home countries (e. g. photographs, music, etc.) in order to promote international understanding. Likewise, particularly in view of extracurricular activities such as folk dancing and students’ performances on the final evening, it might be fun for students to bring along their national costumes or other relevant utensils.